Catch Wind Of on display in Timisoara, Romania.
Photo Credits: Alex Todirica


September 2023

Catch Wind Of is a wind harp, reimagined as an audio-based wind monitoring station.

This project grew out of an investigation into the resonance of the wind - a quality that often goes unnoticed, yet manifests in surprising ways. It can cause bridges to collapse, or power lines to sing. How can we channel this quality to experience and understand the wind on a more sensorial level?

Catch Wind Of was selected as part of an open call to participate in the Atlas of Distances exhibition in Timisoara, Romania in 2023.



The movement of the wind over the strings causes vibration. The ethereal harmonic tones produced by the strings change pitch depending on the wind speed.

The strings are stretched from the central structure in four different directions, attached to surrounding objects via tuning mechanisms. The vibrations become strongest when the wind blows perpendicular to the strings, giving an indication of wind direction.

Contact mics capture the sound of the strings resonating through the sctructure, and transmit the audio both into speakers, and to an online live stream. This stream broadcasted from a Raspberry Pi for the duration of the exhibition to be enjoyed worldwide.